
Friday 31 May 2013

Writer's Block

    So..... in the 2 hours I've been sitting at my desk I've written 162 words, some of which are in the title which was already given to me! Today I have to write 1500!! Why is it that no matter how urgent an assignment is it's SO hard to muster up the motivation?!

    Obviously Netflix and facebook are FAR more interesting than dyscalculia and brain imaging, but even with a pressing deadline I can't inhibit the wandering mind and just focus on the job at hand. Is this a student affliction, or does it continue into your career?! How would the world keep going if the people at the top had this problem? (Or do they, but they have someone lower down who isn't allowed to?). Someone, somewhere, HAS to get the work done!

    Two theories:
1) Things I CHOOSE to do can be done in no time, but the minute someone tells me I have to do something, the brakes come on.
2) When I don't have a clear-cut plan for an appealing task, I will subconsciously find excuses not to do it (I have to send that rowing email... I have to get back to that sponsor... I have to go and buy snacks to fuel my work... LOOK! I've been productive with my day. Except my 'productiveness' hasn't been channeled where it needs to be).

    This whole blog took around 10 minutes to write, and is already significantly longer than those 162 words on the Word document I have running. The results are conclusive: as a human being it's not my fault - our species wasn't made to write essays, it was made to enjoy life!!!!


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